Capture App

Use smartphones & tablets with eSignatureOffice as signature capture devices

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The app for signing via smartphone & tablet in conjunction with eSignatureOffice.


Highlights of the Capture App


In conjunction with the signature software eSignatureOffice*, smartphones and tablets can easily be used as signature capture devices to sign documents electronically. This captures not only the written image, but also biometric data.

*works also with DeviceAPI, Signature API and SimpleSigner

Maximum security

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The biometric data of the signature is already securely encrypted in the smartphone or tablet (RSA 4096-bit) and thereby linked to the document in such a way that it cannot be improperly copied into another document. In addition, each signature is provided with a digital signature so that any recipient can validate the integrity of the document, e.g., using Adobe Reader.

System requirements

Hardware requirements

iPhone, iPad, Android Tablet or Android Smartphone


Prerequisite is an installation of eSignatureOffice, Signature API, Device API or SimpleSigner

Operating system

At least iOS 11 or Android 11

Software recommendation

Our capture apps work in combination with the following software solutions:


The fully automatable offline signature solution

Signature API

The comprehensive API for e-signature integration
We would be happy to advise you on which software solution is right for you. Contact us now

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