Sign Word & Excel documents

How do I sign Word documents?

You want to sign a Word document or insert an electronic signature in Excel spreadsheets? We generally recommend converting to a PDF document – StepOver offers the appropriate software. Why? Quite simply, this is the best way to prevent subsequent manipulation and insertion of changes.

However, every case is different and there may be cases where a simple electronic signature in a Word or Excel document is sufficient. For this we offer a free solution – the StepOver Office plugin.

PDF is considered the standard format

Why Word and Excel documents are not the first choice for digital signatures?

The use of Word and Excel files does not provide reliable protection against subsequent changes to the documents. Thus, it cannot be safely ruled out that documents are manipulated or changed after they have been signed. Experts refer to this as document integrity, which is not guaranteed.

This is why the PDF format has become the standard format for the secure signing of documents. PDF/A in particular is used by default as a manufacturer-independent long-term format. It can be assumed that this will still be representable one-to-one on various operating systems and with various applications decades from now. Many archiving systems and software programs for checking signatures in PDF documents (such as Adobe Reader) are available.

Word Dokument unterschreiben
Word Dokument unterschreiben

Sign Excel & Word documents

What if my document is not in PDF format?

If you want to sign a Word or Excel document, we recommend converting it to a PDF document to ensure document integrity. You can find more about this under Legal,security & data privacy. Good to know: The simple electronic signature is not considered to be evidence.

The StepOver solutions for conversion to PDF

In combination with the eSignatureOffice software and the webSignatureOffice cloud solution, StepOver offers the option of converting Word & Excel documents into PDF documents with the help of a virtual printer. The signature process is then started automatically.

PDF Converter

The StepOver PDF Converter is a virtual printer. You can address this printer from any printable application like your normal printer. The PDF Converter creates a fully searchable PDF file and starts the signature software.


You can access this virtual printer from any print-capable application. A completely searchable PDF document is created, which is then automatically uploaded to the server of our online signature service webSignatureOffice.

Evidence capability is not your first priority?

Sign Word & Excel documents without converting

We always think in terms of the company. There may be cases and applications where, in practice, the main focus is not placed on the ability to provide evidence.

This is where the StepOver Office plugin can come in handy. The signature image is captured with a StepOver signature pad and inserted into a Word or Excel document. The documents can be displayed in any Microsoft Word or Excel application and, of course, further processed. Completely without additional software.

Important note: Inserting the image of the signature does not make the signed document more evidential than before. For an evidential electronic signature, we recommend our solutions eSignatureOffice, webSignatureOffice or Signature API.

microsoft word on a laptop
woman edits excel sheet on a tablet

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